5 Ways to Empower Others to Be Their Best Selves


With everything going on in the world and most of it not being great news, it can be easy to see a light at the end of the tunnel. One of the things to remember is to

Here are 5 easy ways you can start to empower others today that will cost you nothing:

  1. Encourage- Don’t you love when you have a new idea that maybe you’re a little scared to go after and then you have that one person who is there to tell you yes, you can do that it makes perfect sense! Many times all we need is one person to help encourage us to feel empowered to take the next step and to maybe brainstorm ideas with. Often times I have learned from personal experience others see me doing something before I can and the fact that they can see it before I even get there is one of the most encouraging and empowering things you can do for anyone.

2. Teach- One of the biggest ways you can empower others is by teaching them something they might not know that can help them in their career or everyday life. I am a true believer of the saying “give a man a fish and you feed him for the day, teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” There is a lot of power in knowledge but being able to share your knowledge to help others is the ultimate way to empower them.

3. Be a Cheerleader- This one goes with my first one but I have found that sometimes when trying something new or wanting to get better at something all you need is one person who believes you can accomplish that goal. A cheerleader if you will, someone who won’t judge you if you stumble or maybe don’t accomplish that goal or want give you advice on how you should be working towards x goal, but rather someone who is there to cheer you on every step of the way. I think this one can at times be a little easier said than does as it requires you to be supportive without being judgmental no matter what the outcome may be.

4. Compliment/Affirmation- It goes without saying, that a compliment can go a long way. The older I get the more I have realized that as adults we lose the routine of giving another person a compliment or positive affirmations yet for children we learn to always do this but somehow after that we stop. It becomes rare to hear that you’re doing a good job, you did great, I like this that you did or are wearing. So lets change that and give out compliments everyday, because we all need a little affirmation here and there to know that we are doing alright in life.

5. Listen- Sometimes we just need someone who will listen and although this one may seem easy, think about the last time you had something big pile up within outside of you and how it felt once you had someone listen to you. Especially during this quarantine many of us are not having daily conversations with our coworkers, friends and family and if you’re like me you have certain people who you may want to talk through ideas and feeling with. So pick up the phone can and call or video chat with someone to catch up with them and see how they are doing. It is always such a sweet gesture and surprise to know that someone is thinking of you and just wants to know how you are doing. Trust me when I say this is one of the ways you can make someone feel very loved even if you are far apart.

I hope that this inspires you to empower those in your life as you are very important in others life and you doing any one of these for someone is impactful!


Snapshots by Beatrixlin Photography h

As always, thank you for reading. Como siempre, gracias por leer.
