My 5 Realistic 2021 Goals


I know 2020 has been a doozy of a year and many of us have had to make changes in our lives for these times. Through the course of the year I adjust several things in my life to reflect my now reality as I’m sure many of you did as well, but I tried to keep working towards the goals I had set for myself in 2020 that I knew were realistic and shifted my thinking for those that I knew there was no way in hell would happen, like international travel. Having that said, 2020 taught me a thing or 2 about setting goals or resolutions for upcoming years and that was to set goals that are in my control and further more will have a bigger impact on my happiness and mental health. Knowing that 2021 is still a bit of 2020, I have adjusted my goals as opposed to other years to focus more on personal self improvement with a few things rolling over from last year I’d like to work on (assuming we will go back to some normalcy in 2021). 

So without further ado here are my 2021 goals:

  • Incorporate Yoga and Meditation Into My Daily Lifestyle- By the end of this year I hope to have found a rhythm to be able to incorporate both naturally into my life. For now I am doing one or the other everyday because sitting all day and being online can be a little much. After doing yoga and meditating I always realize a nice release in my body and I want to continue to do a better job at listening to what it needs moving forward.

  • Continue My Sustainable Swaps- Coming from having frugal parents growing up, I have learned how to make use of many items after they are “done” being used but did catch myself in an ultra consumer mindset at a time and had to slow it down. Frankly when I started this blog that is when it happened the most, trying to keep up with the latest trends, ways to decorate your home etc. left me with lots of stuff and at the end of the day I realized it is true what they say, more stuff doesn’t make you happy. So I slowly throughout the past few years have been making more sustainable swaps and reminded myself of some of the lessons my parents taught me about using what you already have (thanks mom & dad), and I plan to keep making these swaps in my life to further continue to live a more sustainable life and to lower my carbon footprint. This for me also includes looking to buy second hand when I can for many factors of my life and oh boy, going thrifting again and discovering Facebook Market Place have been gems!

  • Put Things Away As Soon As I’m Done With Them– This may not seem like a big one but I can’t be the only one who leaves things here and there around the house. I have to say that working from home has made me better at this but I still have to think about this and I would like to get in a place where I do this without even thinking. It may be small compared to the rest but I did say that I was focusing on personal goals this year more than ever and this is one!

  • Read 1 Book a Month– I have recently gotten back into reading and with the help of a friend who has similar taste in novels as I do, have come to enjoy it once again. Reading for me is intimidating because it has been so long that I have sat down and read a novel that trying to pick a book I might like to read is overwhelming. Which was so sad to me because Reading and Writing were always my favorite subjects in school. But now that I have gotten into a grove of reading a little bit every night, this goal for myself seems more realistic, plus having a friend me a mini library for me has been very helpful!

  • Share More Budget Friendly Ways to Live– I have always been very passionate about saving money and not spending much. I grew up in family where we bragged about how cheap we got something for and I’m so happy I did because that mentality has stuck with me. Of course, I have also grown to see the value of investing in higher quality pieces, but baby you best believe even those I don’t buy unless they are on sale or have a coupon. What I also took away from my childhood was how happy we always were even though now looking back we didn’t have much, we lived a fruitful and fulfilling life with what we had. It also taught me that sometimes living frugally now also means you can save to live the life, things, and peace of mind you want to have one day. I still live by this and am a firm believer that you can live a very affordable lifestyle and still be happy and I’d like to share more of this with you my audience who might find this useful in your life. So stay tuned!

***And a bonus one since I do speak of money on here and I believe in putting it out there in there world to manifest- I have a goal of hitting 6 figures by the end of this year with all of my streams of income that I plan to beef up this year.***


I hoped this helped you if you’re still figuring out some of your goals for the year and here is my 2020 vs 2021 vision boards. Because it is pretty comical to me to see which ones didn’t happen because of covid.

As always, thank you for reading. Como siempre, gracias por leer.
